Deavon "Wyntre" Clement
Game Writing
Click any section title or entry title to view my work!

For this open world game, I created the characters, wrote the story, designed the narrative, implemented the narrative using Fungus (a Unity plugin,) wrote the dialogue, tutorial, lore entries, and quests with an eye for tone and setting. As an added bonus, I also did the audio design. For this, I sourced the audio from free assets and did balancing and effects to make each fish stand out. I worked with the rest of the team to test for and identify bugs. Finally, I was in charge of generating feedback forms, and feeding that information to the rest of the team so that we could iterate based on said feedback.
This document was written using Word and iterated upon over the course of a six-month period, working 20 hours per week. It was written and maintained entirely by me.
This document represents the lore entries collected around the world of Heights as you explore. They represent the back story of the characters and what led to the events of the game. This was created as a six act structure and was told little by little across each skyland (sky island) in the game.

This document represents lore entries regarding the wild fish constructs you find around the world of Heights. These lore entries are automatically collected when you catch a new kind of fish. They present hints as to where the fish came from, some of their behaviors and in some cases how to catch them more easily.
Taking three characters from across the Legend of Heroes franchise and forcing them to get stuck in an elevator led to some interesting interactions. This was an exercise in writing in the voices of established characters within an established IP.

This short film was developed using the Hero's Journey model. This could easily be turned into a walking simulator type game, though it was written as a short film.
This document examines the story stack in the context of the Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. The story stack is a concept that puts things in perspective of what is easiest to change and therefore least important to have nailed down early in the production process. While a writer should be involved early, the story stack shows that the most important things are as follows: Player Fantasy, Actions, Economy, World and finally Story.

An exploration of using Excel hyperlinks, this document explores a branching conversation between a few characters as Cain and Lorrey (a pair of adventurers) are hired to fight demonic forces that are encroaching upon a cardinal's lands.

A thought experiment in which I integrated Grimm's Godfather Death into Dishonored. Corvo does a favor for the physician which has him cross paths with Death.If Corvo can outsmart Death, he wins death's favor and gains a new ability to help him navigate the dangers of the city Dunwall. (While this game is in my backlog, I created this document after having watched the Making of Dishonored | NoClip Documentary.)

Here, we examine the story of Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. I determine the "true protagonist" (The one who has the most impact on the progression of the story.) along with the 5 steps of story structure. This examination of Estelle Bright shows how she impacts the story and how she deals with the Society.
This flowchart was part of an exercise to show a way to show the story stack in action. Without changing the world, the player fantasy, the action, or the economy, the story could be something completely different!